How to Pack Clothes on Hangers for Moving

Moving can be a hectic process, and keeping your clothes organised and wrinkle-free during the move is a common concern. Packing clothes on hangers can streamline unpacking and help maintain the condition of your garments. Here’s a straightforward guide to help you manage this aspect of your move efficiently.

How to Pack Clothes on Hangers for Moving? The best way to pack clothes on hangers for moving is to use wardrobe boxes, which allow you to simply transfer clothes from closet to box, keeping them hung and protected. Alternatively, group hangers and cover them with large trash bags or wrap for cheaper solutions.

This guide will explore different methods to pack your hanging clothes, ensuring they arrive at your new home in the best possible condition. Whether you’re looking for cost-effective solutions or the easiest ways to transition your wardrobe, this article has you covered. Learn how to protect your clothes from dirt, damage, and wrinkles with tips and tricks that will make packing a breeze.

Preparation Before Packing Clothes on Hangers for Moving

Preparation Before Packing Clothes on Hangers for Moving

Relocating to a new home can be a daunting task, especially when it comes to moving your wardrobe efficiently. Packing clothes on hangers is an excellent strategy to ensure that your garments remain wrinkle-free and organised during the move.

To make this process as smooth as possible, careful preparation is essential. Here’s a step-by-step guide to preparing your clothes on hangers for a move.

Step 1 Assess Your Wardrobe

Evaluate What to Keep

Before you start packing, take a moment to go through your wardrobe. This is a perfect opportunity for decluttering. Sort your clothes into categories: keep, donate, sell, or discard. Focus on keeping items that are necessary, loved, and worn regularly. This not only simplifies packing but also reduces clutter in your new space.

Check for Special Care Items

Identify garments that need special care, such as formal wear, delicate fabrics, or leather items. These will require special packing strategies to maintain their condition.

Step 2: Gather Necessary Supplies

Essential Packing Materials

To pack your clothes on hangers, you’ll need the right supplies. Here’s a list of essentials:

Wardrobe boxes: These tall boxes come with a hanging rod and are ideal for transporting hanging clothes directly from your closet.

Garment bags: Use these for added protection against dust, dirt, and wrinkles. They are particularly useful for delicate or expensive items.

Packing tape: Ensure it’s strong enough to secure the boxes without tearing.

Labelling materials: Permanent markers and labels are crucial for marking boxes with contents and handling instructions.

Packing Methods Clothes on Hangers for Moving

Packing Methods Clothes on Hangers for Moving

When you’re preparing for a move, one of the more cumbersome tasks can be packing your wardrobe, especially items on hangers. Ensuring your clothes arrive wrinkle-free and ready to wear requires careful planning and the right packing methods. 

Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to efficiently pack your hanging clothes using various methods, including the use of wardrobe boxes, garment bags, and some alternative approaches when specialty items are not available.

Using Wardrobe Boxes

Wardrobe boxes are one of the most effective tools for packing clothes on hangers. They are tall, sturdy boxes that come with a built-in metal hanger bar to mimic your closet.

Steps to Use:

  • Assemble the box: according to instructions, ensuring it’s taped securely on the bottom.
  • Hang clothes :directly from your closet into the box, grouping them as you would in your wardrobe (e.g., dresses with dresses, shirts with shirts).
  • Fill the bottom :of the wardrobe box with light, soft items like shoes or bedding to maximise space and provide additional stability.
  • Seal and label: the box clearly, noting the contents for easy unpacking.

Wardrobe boxes are particularly useful for long-distance moves as they protect clothes from dirt, dust, and wrinkles.

Using Garment Bags

Garment bags are a versatile option for both short and long-distance moves. They can protect individual items or small groups of clothes, and they are ideal for delicate fabrics.

Steps to Use:

  • Group similar items: together in each bag, such as suits or evening dresses.
  • Use padded hangers :for extra support and protection.
  • Zip up the bags:carefully to prevent any items from slipping out.
  • Fold garment bags: if necessary (for vehicle transport) or hang them directly in a moving truck.

Garment bags are less bulky than wardrobe boxes and can be easier to handle, making them an excellent choice for quick relocations.

 Alternative Methods Without Specialty Boxes or Bags

If you’re moving on a budget or prefer not to purchase specialty packing items, there are several alternative methods to consider:

Steps to Use:

  • The trash bag method: Slip a large trash bag over a group of hangers, making a hole at the bottom for the hook ends. Secure the bottom with a rubber band or tie. This method is cost-effective and can be done last minute.
  • The twist tie method: Group hangers and secure them together at the hook using twist ties or rubber bands. Cover them with a sheet or blanket to protect from dust.
  • Bundle packing: Lay out a large blanket or bedsheet, place a bundle of clothes (on their hangers) in the centre, and then fold the corners of the blanket over the clothes, securing everything with safety pins.

These methods are generally more suitable for shorter moves or when moving items that are less susceptible to wrinkling.

Final Preparations Clothes on Hangers for Moving

Final Preparations Clothes on Hangers for Moving

When it comes to moving, ensuring your belongings are packed securely and efficiently can make the difference between a smooth transition and a chaotic experience. Here’s a guide to help you with the final preparations, focusing on handling clothes on hangers, labelling, and securing your boxes properly.


Proper labelling is crucial for organising and efficiently unpacking your belongings. Here are some tips for effective labelling:

Use a Clear Labelling System

Decide on a labelling system before you start packing. You can label the boxes based on the room they belong to, the type of items inside, or both. For instance, label boxes containing kitchen items as “Kitchen – Dishes” or “Kitchen – Utensils.”

List the Contents

On each box, provide a brief list of the contents. This detail will be invaluable when you need to find specific items quickly without having to open every box.

Mark Fragile Items

Clearly mark boxes that contain fragile items. Use bold, visible markers to write “FRAGILE” and “THIS SIDE UP” to ensure careful handling and correct positioning during the move.

Securing the Boxes

Ensuring that your boxes are well-secured will prevent damage during transit. Here are some essential tips:

Use Quality Packing Materials

Invest in strong, durable boxes and high-quality packing tape. Weak boxes and poor-quality tape can tear or come undone during the move, risking damage to your belongings.

Tape All Open Edges

Don’t just tape the middle seam of the box top and bottom; tape all open edges. This “H-taping” method adds extra security and prevents the box flaps from opening.

Do Not Overpack

A common mistake is overpacking boxes, making them too heavy to lift and more susceptible to breaking. Keep the weight manageable, especially for boxes containing books or other heavy items.

Test Box Security

Before loading the boxes onto the moving truck, give each a gentle shake to check for any movement inside. If you hear items shifting, add more padding to secure the contents.


Effectively packing clothes on hangers for moving not only saves time but also protects your garments from potential damage. Using wardrobe boxes is highly recommended for their convenience and protection level.

If wardrobe boxes are out of your budget, don’t worry. There are several creative, cost-effective methods you can utilise to transport your clothes with minimal wrinkles and damage. Consider using trash bags or homemade garment covers for a DIY solution. Finally, remember to clearly label your boxes or covers to make unpacking at your new place straightforward and quick. Taking the time to pack correctly can save you a great deal of hassle in setting up your new closet. Happy moving!

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