How to Forward Mail When Moving [2024 updated]

Moving to a new home can be an exciting journey, but amidst the hustle and bustle, one crucial task often gets overlooked – forwarding your mail. You may be wondering why it’s essential to forward your mail when moving. The reason is simple: to ensure you don’t miss out on important correspondence, bills, or packages that are still addressed to your old location.

How to Forward Mail When Moving? To forward mail when moving, submit a change of address form online at the postal service’s website or in person at a local post office. Specify the move date and whether the change is temporary or permanent to ensure your mail follows you.

The next part of this guide delves into the nitty-gritty of mail forwarding. From understanding the different types of mail forwarding services available to knowing how to set them up, we cover it all. By the end of this blog, you’ll have a clear roadmap on ensuring your mail seamlessly transitions to your new address, making one aspect of your move worry-free. 

Preparing to Forward Mail  When Moving

Preparing to Forward Mail  When Moving

Before moving, it’s crucial to plan for mail forwarding to ensure a seamless transition of correspondence. Begin by listing all regular mailers, such as banks, insurance companies, and subscriptions. Notify these organisations about your move, providing them with the new address. Additionally, decide on a mail forwarding start date, ideally a few days before your move, to avoid any mail lapses.

Identifying Necessary Documents and Information

Gathering the right documents and information is key for a successful mail forwarding process. You’ll need proof of identification, like a driver’s licence or passport, and proof of residency at both your old and new addresses.

Ensure you have accurate details of your new address, including apartment or suite numbers. This information is vital for filling out postal forms accurately and avoiding any disruptions in service.

Choosing Between Temporary and Permanent Mail Forwarding

Understanding the difference between temporary and permanent mail forwarding can save you future hassles. Temporary forwarding is ideal for short-term moves or absences, typically lasting less than six months.

Permanent forwarding, on the other hand, is suitable for long-term or indefinite relocations. Assess your situation and choose the type that aligns with your moving plans to ensure a smooth transition of mail services.

Special Considerations for International Moves

International moves require additional considerations for mail forwarding. Investigate the postal services and international mail forwarding options available in your destination country. 

Be aware of customs regulations and potential delays in international mail delivery. It’s also wise to opt for digital versions of important documents or correspondences to reduce reliance on physical mail during your transition to a new country.

Steps to Forward Mail When Moving

Steps to Forward Mail When Moving

Forwarding your mail when relocating is a critical step in ensuring a seamless transition. Begin by determining the exact date from which you require mail forwarding to avoid any disruption in receiving important correspondences. 

Gather all necessary personal identification details, as these will be required to verify your identity during the process. It’s advisable to start this process at least two weeks before your move to allow ample time for the postal service to update their records.

Filing a Change of Address with Postal Services

Filing a Change of Address (COA) with postal services is an essential step in mail forwarding. This can be done either online, by phone, or in person at your local post office. 

When filing a COA, you will be asked to provide your current address, new address, and the date from which you wish the change to take effect. Ensure accuracy in all details to prevent any mishaps in mail delivery to your new location.

Online vs. In-Person Options for Mail Forwarding

Choosing between online and in-person options for mail forwarding depends on personal convenience and accessibility. Online applications are generally faster and can be done from anywhere, offering a 24/7 service option.

 However, for those who prefer direct interaction or have specific queries, visiting a local post office might be more suitable. Both methods will require similar information and have the same processing time for the forwarding request.

Confirming Mail Forwarding Setup

Once you have submitted your mail forwarding request, it’s crucial to confirm that the setup is complete. If you opted for the online method, confirmation is usually provided via email. For in-person applications, a confirmation letter is sent to your new address.

 Keep an eye out for this confirmation, as it serves as proof of your request. If you do not receive confirmation within a reasonable timeframe, contact your postal service to ensure there are no issues with your request.

Forward Mail When Moving

Forward Mail When Moving

When relocating, it’s crucial to ensure your mail moves with you. This process involves notifying your postal service and setting up a mail forwarding service. 

Forwarding your mail prevents loss of important documents and maintains a continuous flow of correspondence. It’s a simple yet vital step in your moving checklist, ensuring no critical mail is left behind at your old address.

Monitoring and Tracking Forwarded Mail

Once your mail forwarding is in place, monitoring and tracking the forwarded mail is essential. This can often be done through online services provided by postal agencies. Regular monitoring helps in identifying any inconsistencies or missed deliveries. 

It also provides peace of mind, knowing that your mail is being successfully redirected to your new location, keeping you connected with all essential communications.

Updating Subscriptions and Services with New Address

An important aspect of moving is updating your new address with various subscriptions and services. This includes magazines, online shopping sites, financial institutions, and other services that regularly send physical mail. 

Timely updating these details ensures continuous service and prevents personal information from being sent to your old address. It also helps businesses and services to maintain accurate records, enhancing the efficiency of their customer service.

Dealing with Issues or Delays in Forwarded Mail

Despite meticulous planning, issues or delays in forwarded mail can occur. If you experience such problems, promptly contact your postal service provider. They can investigate the cause of the delay or misdelivery.

In the meantime, keep a close check on your billing cycles and communication timelines to identify any missing mails early on. Resolving these issues swiftly ensures the smooth handling of your mail during the transition period.

Additional Tips and Best Practices Forward Mail When Moving

Additional Tips and Best Practices Forward Mail When Moving

When planning a move, it’s essential to incorporate mail forwarding into your checklist to ensure a seamless transition. Start by notifying your post office and setting up a forwarding date in advance, preferably a week before you move.

 It’s also wise to inform important contacts and institutions (like banks, insurance companies) about your address change directly. Remember to check for any restrictions or limitations, especially if moving internationally, as the forwarding process might differ.

Timing Your Mail Forwarding with Your Move

Aligning the start of your mail forwarding with your moving date is crucial to avoid gaps in receiving important correspondence. Ideally, mail forwarding should begin on the day you officially relocate to your new address.

 It’s recommended to monitor your mail leading up to the move to ensure no critical documents are in transit during the transition. If possible, overlap your forwarding start date with your moving date by a few days for extra security.

Privacy and Security Considerations

Mail forwarding isn’t just a logistical necessity; it’s also a matter of privacy and security. Ensure that your forwarding request is submitted through official and secure channels to protect your personal information. 

Be cautious about sharing your new address and consider a temporary PO Box if you’re moving to a temporary location or are concerned about privacy. Regularly update your address with all financial institutions and online accounts to prevent sensitive information from being sent to your old address.

Reviewing and Renewing Mail Forwarding Services as Needed

Periodically reviewing your mail forwarding status is important, especially if you’ve set up a temporary forwarding service. Keep track of the expiration date and be prepared to renew the service if your stay at the new address extends beyond the initial forwarding period.

Additionally, use this review as an opportunity to update any straggling senders who are still addressing mail to your old home, ensuring a smooth and uninterrupted flow of mail.


To effectively forward your mail when moving, it’s essential to inform your postal service about your change of address. This simple step ensures a smooth transition of your mail to your new home, helping you stay on top of your correspondence without any hassle.

As we conclude, it’s vital to remember that forwarding your mail is not just a task to check off your moving list; it’s a step towards establishing your new home as your primary point of contact for all your important communications. Whether it’s bills, subscriptions, or personal letters, ensuring they follow you to your new address is crucial. Consider setting reminders to renew or update your forwarding service if needed, and double-check that all senders have your new address. Moving is a fresh start, and having your mail follow you seamlessly is a small but significant part of that journey.

Frequently Asked Question(How to Forward Mail When Moving)

How can I forward my mail when I move?

To forward your mail when moving, submit a Change of Address (COA) form online through the postal service’s website or in person at your local post office. You can choose a temporary or permanent forwarding option. Ensure accurate entry of your new address to prevent mail delays.

How do I forward my mail when traveling?

To forward your mail while traveling, fill out a Change of Address form with your postal service or use their online portal. Specify the duration for mail forwarding to ensure your mail is redirected to your temporary address for the duration of your travels.

How do you write a forward email?

To write a forward email, click the “Forward” button in your email client, enter the recipient’s email address, add any additional comments you have in the body of the email, and then click “Send.” This allows you to share the email with others.

Can you forward mail without changing address?

Yes, you can forward mail without changing your address by setting up temporary mail forwarding with your postal service. This service redirects mail from your current address to a new one for a specified period, without requiring a permanent address change.

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